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Shaniya Davis
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Shaniya Davis's Funeral is a Sad Day

Shaniya Davis's funeral will take place in a couple of hours. Thousands mourning the death of Shaniya Davis will head to a church in Fayetteville, NC to pay their final respects to the late 5 year old and her family.


 The entire story behind Shaniya Davis's death is tragic. Her mother either sold or allowed her to be placed in the care of the man who allegedly raped and murdered her, discarding her on the side of a North Carolina highway.


The world always is saddened whenever a young child goes missing. Although there are unique cases where missing children return months - even years later, such cases are almost unheard of. If a child is missing for over 24 hours, their chances of survival are slim. Shaniya Davis, a 5 year old that couldn't even defend herself, didn't have a chance.


Shaniya Davis was reported missing by her mother, Antoinette Davis. At first, authorities didn't suspect that the mother was involved in her disappearance. After the investigation pressed on, her mother was charged with various crimes such as human trafficking, prostitution, and child abuse. She is behind bars for her involvement in her daughter's disappearance, despite being pregnant.


Mario Andrette McNeill is the prime suspect in the case. Authorities had enough evidence against him that they charged him with murder, kidnapping, rape, and other charges related to her death. Shaniya Davis was last seen alive on a hotel surveillance camera in the arms of McNeill.


Shaniya Davis's funeral is open to the public, giving the public a unique opportunity to visit the family and show their support. Shaniya's father, Bradley Lockhart, has even appeared on Oprah thanking the world for their support. It is not believed that he was involved in Shaniya's death or disappearance.


The exact location of the Shaniya Davis funeral is 5117 Cliffdale Road, Fayetteville. The funeral will take place at the Manna Church. The funeral is planned for 3 pm central, meaning many are probably already on their way to the church as we speak.


Those that cannot make it to the Shaniya Davis funeral can make a donation at their local Wachovia Bank. Donations will go to the family. Those not comfortable giving money to the family can also


 opt to make a donation to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children or a local child protective services agency.




Raleigh Headlines Examiner:


CBS Crimesider:

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I am moving the office so keep in touch for those updates this is another tragic case I wish we would see less and less of them however laws are being implemented to make sure that people that hurt children do not walk away from their crimes. 


Better Tomorrows:


If you have any information on any crimes having to do with Crimes Against Children Please Do Not Hesitate to call the FBI if you wish you do not have to report your name just please call if you know any information concerning a child.
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