you seen
Case Type: Missing DOB: Oct 12, 1985 Sex: Male Missing Date:
Oct 31, 2004 Race: White Age Now: 20 Height: 5'8" (173 cm) Missing
City: CLAREMONT Weight: 180 lbs (82 kg) Missing State : CA Hair Color:
Brown Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Hazel Case Number: NCMA1000007
Circumstances: Evgeniy was last seen at Harvey Mud College on October 31, 2004 at approximately 4:00 p.m. He may
have gone hiking in the Mount Baldy area of California. Evgeniy was last seen wearing blue sweat-pants, a tan jacket,
and boots.
If you have information concerning this or any of the children listed here please contact the National
Center for Missing & Exploited Children - 1-800-843-5678 or your local police department
immediately, please
do not try to confront any individual that may have these people alert the authorities immediately, thanks for helping
reunite a family.
I wanted you to check-out this site Especially the Crimes Against Children Crimes Against Children
@ Better Tomorrows
Http://BetterTomorrows.Tripod.com < LINK :)
you for your attention we have been fighting for a lot of years to get each state to change the laws as the pertain
to hurting children. For several years now we have fought to get laws updated to the point these kinds of crimes
do not happen. WE as a body of Gods people must stand for what is right, so the pedophiles know, if I "Go-There",
(If you will), I just may have to spend many an extended amount of years in jail. maybe even have there names and
pictures posted in there neighborhood and on-line so everyone knows about the acts they have com- mitted. A person
asked me the other day if I was just this person that wants to keep people in jail No I don't want to keep people
in jail, but as I said, when I think of a man involving a child in an act that will literally change their lives,
I know, being abused myself starting from the age of six. Young men even abducted, you just could not even begin
to imagine the depth of sorrow it bring to a mother to imagine the worst of things could be happening to her child.
I know, we need to have a plan to make the message loud and clear we will not stand by and allow this to happen to
our children, period.
Hi We are moving into the summer days remember to protect your skin against the sun, Always
be active in your church and always, always walk with God. Message below pic.
I Called Her Last!
we indulge in a self-defeating game with a friend, called, "I called last." You can even hear a whining little note
in the claim. Of course, you really believe that you've been doing all the work of keep- ing your relationship alive.
After all, you send the cards every holiday and birthday; what more can be expected? When weeks go by and you haven't
heard from your friend, you begin to sulk inside. You miss her, or feel lonely and make the first call.When you're together, it's
great. Your friend really seems to value and enjoy your company. But when you're apart, it's the old cliche, "Out of
sight, out of mind." As the time gap increases, so does the emotional gap. You feel hurt, devalued and disregarded. I
called her last," you say petulantly. "If she really cared, she'd call." Cobwebs gather on your phone. At this point,
you have to make a decision about keeping the friendship alive by calling or writing, or not reaching out as a matter
of principal. You need to decide which is more important, the friend- ship or to be right. It can be tough to swallow
your pride, but if you care about keeping your friendship alive, you'll call. Just imagine how you'd feel if you steadfastly
refused to call and then heard your friend had moved away, or worse, had died unex- pectedly. When you have decided
to make contact, the phone call or note should begin like this: "I was thinking of you and reflecting about how much
I care for and miss you." The note or conver- sation must not begin with recriminations, just kind- ness. If you are
a teacher, this is a wonderful idea to share with your students. Bring a pile of stamped envelopes to class. Give them
out to your students and actually have them write a heart-felt letter to a friend they've lost touch with. Folks generally come
back to class excited about the results. Networking with people you've had a personal growth experience with can be
initiated by doing a one-minute love call. Actually set a timer and call the person, stating, "This is a one-minute
love call to let you know I'm thinking of you and appreciate you for ______________." At the end of the minute, thank
them, bid them farewell and hang up. Watch, they’ll come back soon! ----------------------------------------------------------- -(c)1994
Meladee and Hanoch McCarty. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Acts of Kindness by Meladee and Hanoch
McCarty. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or
by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. Publisher: Health Communications, Inc., 3201 SW 15th
Street, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442.
As you can see I stole this article from a book, the links is listed here below, what can
I say, I read a lot. I think though, in life we can forget the small things can make a person's day. If we choose we can
be a Light of God to this world no matter what is happening around us.
Please Be That Light
Site: HTTP://www.hci-online.com/Engine/Shopping/catalog.asp?store=5&category=97&itempage=1&item=1207&alt=1&itemonly=1
The flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil could set off a storm in Texas. Isn't that an amazing statement? The "Butterfly
Effect" theory suggests that the power released by a butterfly's wings can amplify over time to eventually affect weather
patterns thousands of miles away. Now imagine the impact of 4 million butterflies.
Let us hear from you we love
getting your mail
Have A Great Day | | May The Light of Jesus shine upon you, May you have people you love around you, May you always
walk with God... May your heart be enlightened so you may know the hope to which God has called you. --- Eph,
Ray, Blank, Saundra Redding. Wohali Falcon, Zack Hornsby
one of our addresses are changing you can
now reach our founder at RF90035@yahoo.com He will be in Los Angel es California for a time, we are also trying real hard to get the Translation
system developed with-in the coming year, Keep us in your prayer and if you have computers to donate just contact the founder
we will eventually be setting up English teaching classes online for foreign students coming to America.
You have the power to make the least of things, into best of things. Remember: Each Day is A Brand New Opportunity
to Be JESUS To The World. A Paper Site: HTTP://BetterTomorrows.Tripod.com/
Their E-Mail: BetterTomorrows@Email.com
Walk With God my friend.
Have You Seen
Case Type: Non Family Abduction |
DOB: Nov 4, 2004 |
Sex: Female |
Missing Date: Jun 10, 2006 |
Race: White/Hisp |
Age Now: 1 |
Height: 2'0" (61 cm) |
Missing City: SAN DIEGO |
Weight: 40 lbs (18 kg) |
Missing State : CA |
Hair Color: Black |
Missing Country: United States |
Eye Color: Brown |
Case Number: NCMC1046333 |
Circumstances: Alejandra was discovered missing the evening of June 10, 2006,
when the child's mother was found deceased. The child may be in the company of an adult male. They may be traveling in
a gray 1985 Honda Accord with California license plates 1MGA355. |
Have You Seen
Case Type: Unidentified |
DOB: |
Sex: Female |
Missing Date: Sep 24, 2005 |
Race: White |
Age Now: 17 |
Height: 5'0" (152 cm) |
Missing City: SAN BERNARDINO |
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg) |
Missing State : CA |
Hair Color: Auburn |
Missing Country: United States |
Eye Color: Green |
Case Number: NCMUU10140 |
Circumstances: ON 09/24/2005 AT 11:08 PM, THE CA HIGHWAY PATROL RESPONDED
If you have seen any of these listed please call the police or FBI Immediately
The Light of Jesus shine upon you, May you have people you love around you, May you always walk with God... May
your heart be enlightened so you may know the hope to which God has called you. --- Eph, 1:18
Ray, Blank,
Saundra Redding. Wohali Falcon, Zack Hornsby
Remember; You have the power to make the least of things, into
best of things. Remember: Each Day is A Brand New Opportunity to Be JESUS To The World. A Paper Site: Http://BetterTomorrows.Tripod.com/Their E-Mail:
BetterTomorrows@Email.comCrimes Against Children
Crimes Against Children E-Mail:
CrimesAgainstChildren@Lyocs.comWalk With God my friends.