I was watching this date-line NBC
program, it just breaks my heart to hear the parents would sell their children for sex. but ten years ago I was telling
you that this happens much more than you would think. In Mexico, In Asia, this even happens in America, a friend
of mine, a Minister was offered this little girl when he crossed the boarder with his family in New Mexico. He punched
the man in the face, surpassingly the officials knew why and left him alone. Surprised? This may go on right in America
but as long as I have the strength I will fight for the children. I know also that there are many police officers
across America that have secretly or not dedicated their lives to making sure these kind of people are brought to
justice. how though can any amount of years in prison make up for the damage done to the child? Here
is the Link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20186675/