Crimes Against Children

Still Missing
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Ingrid Xiomara Contreras
Date of Birth - 10/22/84
Date Missing - 6/8/01
Missing from - Los Angeles, California
L.E.A. - Hollywood Police Dept.
Contact - Det. Decker
Telephone Number - (213)485-4321

ID Info -  NCIC #M-611637441. Ingrid is a Hispanic female, 5'3" tall, weighs 95 pounds, has straight black hair and brown eyes. She has a half inch scar under her right eye. Her hair was waist length at the time of her disappearance and is sometimes wavy. She was last seen wearing a blue shirt, blue pants and blue tennis shoes.

Circumstances - Ingrid went to a job interview on June 8, 2001 and relayed to a friend how excited she was about
getting the job. That was the last time anyone saw or talked to her.


Have you seen these Children 

Case Type: Endangered Runaway  
DOB: Oct 6, 1987 Sex: Male
Missing Date: Dec 26, 2003 Race: White
Age Now: 17 Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Missing City: LONGVIEW Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Missing State : TX Hair Color: Blonde
Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Blue

Case Number: NCMC979210 
Circumstances: Kyle was last seen on December 26, 2003.



Case Type: Endangered Missing  

DOB: Jun 25, 1987 Sex: Female

Missing Date: May 4, 2004 Race: White

Age Now: 16 Height: 5'5" (165 cm)

Missing City: LUBBOCK Weight: 125 lbs (57 kg)

Missing State : TX Hair Color: Red

Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Hazel

Case Number: NCMC988018 

Circumstances: Joanna was last seen at home on May 4, 2004



Case Type: Endangered Missing
DOB: Oct 8, 1986 Sex: Female

Missing Date: Mar 19, 2004 Race: White

Age Now: 17 Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Missing City: EAST FRANKLIN Weight: 118 lbs (54 kg)
Missing State : VT Hair Color: Brown
Missing Country: United States
Eye Color: Hazel
Case Number: NCMC985167
Circumstances: Brianna was last seen at the Black Lantern Restaurant in East Franklin, Vermont on March 19, 2004


CASE Type: Endangered Missing  

DOB: Feb 13, 1990 Sex: Female

Missing Date: Apr 2, 2004 Race: White/Hisp

Age Now: 14 Height: 5'1" (155 cm)

Missing City: CLEVELAND Weight: 135 lbs (61 kg)

Missing State : OH Hair Color: Brown

Missing Country: United States Eye Color: Brown

Case Number: NCMC985783 

 Circumstances: Georgina was last seen on April 2, 2004Georgina's ears are pierced and she has a second piercing in th e cartilage of her right ear. She has a birthmark on her right leg and a birthmark on the right side of her chest. Georgina may go by the nickname Gina.

National  Center for  Missing &

         Exploited Children.


Better Tomorrows @     

we get a huge amount of mail so should you mail be returned just use another box we try to keep on top of the mail, thank for your understanding?

                                ---  Falcon

                         Better Tomorrows                                        

No Longer Missing:
\/ This child has been reunited with his family,,, \/

Shawn Hronbeck      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

No Longer Missing:
/\ This child has been reunited with his family,,, /\
Praise God there is another
child reunited with his family
this is always a great time.
People literally around the world Christian dedicated themselves to pray for this boys return to his family unharmed, technically
a young man or woman cannot walk away form this kind of stuff and be unmarked by the circumstances, but we serve a healing God Please make a point to pray for his recovery from all he went through, thank you in advance for doing so, God Bless

In Loving Memory of:

Brandon Tyler Gonzalez
Sadly Brandon was not recovered alive

Have you seen these

Children, Remember one

good tip could bring these

kids home to their parents,

lets help by keeping our

eyes open, more

importantly lets stay on top

of this by keeping involved

and bringing an end to child


It is still sad we have children taken from us, children molested, children even hurt by their own parents. It is just one, but a huge one mission of Better Tomorrows to change the way we look at these crimes.


Crimes Against Children
It is time we speak for those that had no voice, it is time we make change whereas repeat offenders are not allowed to hurt other children, right in our own state we have a molester free from prison living just blocks from a school and places where children play. Is it just me people, have we not learned from that past, We need to change the laws, we need to stand for the fallen children that's voice was silenced, people who commit
Crime a Against Children, participate in acts of Crimes Against Children
Are caught hiding facts about
Crimes Against Children
all of the above need to be put on notice we will make the laws whereas they will never go free if they kill and hurt our children, not any-long er will we allow the politicians to shovel papers acting like they are doing something. we need the sentencing lengthened for all
Crimes Against Children. No deals under any circumstances for any Child molestation, rape or kidnapping changes... Zero Tolerance for people that commit Crimes Against Children
.. Zero?. I remind the senators now & again, these issues are not going to go away until the problem do e s... We Christian Men & Woman need to take a firm handle on what is going on in our neighborhoods. Who is talking with our children, having the stranger danger conversation, make a plan with children a secret word the two of you know only, a word they know if spoken you will come to help them. Never underestimate people a man fifteen years at the same church was molesting both boys and little girls in the church. The issue makes me so mad, I guess it is because I was molested when I was very little. I did not even know what sex was at the time. John Walsh said something that hit home for me, he said ?crying you were molested when you were a child holds no ground in a defense today.... He is so very right... just like if your father was a drunk bully, that does not mean that you have to be a drunk bully.. Just with today-s publication on the issues the mass media coverage on the


subject. I think as kind a man as I am I would hurt someone for touching any one child of my own family. We have to make a stand; I keep asking when is enough, enough....????????????????? How many children have to die before we are ready to stand...?? How many generations of abuse have to be in our own families before we make the decision, no more? Today I stand for what is right?. I know with all there is to do, who has time to write letters to Washington That is why we pre-typed a letter for you on the Crimes Against Children Web-Site, yep we moved up from the just petition pages to our own site. in-fact I wrote the president that we never cared much about collecting names we just wanted people to send sign a letter send it to their senators so every senator is being called upon for the something. We are the
people, We are the ones that regardless what is happening today we can make a safe future for children everywhere. A young college student wrote asking if I thought I could really do it, I said "do what," he said "make them change the law."
I sent him the letter sent to us from our own legislators, the Governor these men that changed the law in
... Yes it can be done, we are the people....
I am fed up with people walking around the system and doing the same old things getting the same old results.... I want this Nation, our Nation to be a place children can play in t he streets without adults creeping a round after them, what ever it takes, we need to do it now so the madness goes on no further. What I would like is the states to come together on this. The Children deserve a ton more without question. Zero Tolerance people.


Here is Links so you can type it in the browser window, click it or copy and past (Find your Senator ) Please remember some service contacted me about a virus going out to people from our mail box. What they did not know was that, that mail box collects only newsletters, Etc.. from people in the Christian Community we never send any mail out through that mailing addresses.... sooooooo to make a long story short someone was using our mail box, not physically they could not do that no matter how much they tried, but they were bouncing off it... I could not explain all the details but people that know a lot about computers can not just hack into them they can set up accounts or bounce off your so it would look like we are sending you the message when in fact w e are not If you are receiving mail form us it would be coming form our account or our
account otherwise it is not coming from myself or one of the Better Tomorrows groups. Remember write this down

These people as well as our-self have great programming virus detection for incoming and out-going mail, pics, etc...


Also I think because of my letter I just sent out people have been trying to instant message me, it is not that I am ignoring you, I get your invitation but on these computers they have instant messaging blockers on because it is hooked up on a huge network. I had planned on making some changes when I moved that is still a little ways away before I even know if I am going to stay here in Nebraska.
I Love
and the people are great but I have people on a reservation some little distance across state lines.. hehe Anywho just maybe that will be my last move.
Better Tomorrows

 In Memory of:

Steven stayner


Steven Stayner was the longest child abduction case to-date with the safe return of the child to his parents. Kenneth Eugene Parnell abducted Steven on his way home form a 2nd grade class. Parnell was a previously-convicted child sex predator. We have dedicated this fight in the memory of Steven and children like Steven....

In every cloud, there hold the potential of the makings of a Rainbow, The Rainbow is God Promise to us. The National Missing and Exploited Children-s Network, we joined them back in 2002, our goal was to eventually hook-up with their 800 network of help lines, to take all their training course,  to if there was any chance be of assistance in helping find or recover and abducted child. The National Missing and Exploited Children-s Network was put to the test, yet again, just recently. A child was abducted by a stranger, the staff working with police in the area distributed pictures and flyer's of the child face within an hour, in contribution of the local police efforts and the pictures a lead arrived at the hotline within hours that child was returned to his parents, safe. Anytime a child can be saved from the hands of a predator is a great day, One of our missions has been to continue to address the
Crimes Against Children

issues, get laws in place, change sentencing of the old out-dated laws, take much more drastic action against repeat offenders, I believe it is our duty to make the street safe for our children.     Falcon 
                  Better Tomorrows  


William Charles Cordes Age Progression to 31 years old

Date of Birth - 7/11/68
Date Missing - 3/23/84
Missing from - Auburn, California
L.E.A. - Placer County Sheriff Dept.
Contact - Officer Lorrie Lewis
Telephone Number - (530)889-7867

ID Info -  NCIC #M-149242131. William is a white male, 5'6" tall, weighs 135 pounds, has straight brown hair and hazel eyes. He has a birthmark on his neck

Circumstances - Bill and his friends attended a party. On the way home the car ran out of gas. The two friends went to get gas for the car and when they returned, William was gone. He has not been seen since that time.


Jaycee Lee Dugard Age Progression to 20 years old

Date of Birth - 5/3/80
Date Missing - 6/10/91
Missing from - South Lake Tahoe, California
L.E.A. - El Dorado Sheriff Dept.
Contact - Det. Robert Johnston
Telephone Number - (530)573-3017

ID Info -  NCIC #M-507324636. Jaycee is a white female, 4'7" tall, weighs 80 pounds, has straight blond hair and blue eyes. She has a gap in her front teeth, a chicken pox mark between her eyes and a birthmark on her right arm below her elbow. She also has a mole on her back and was last seen wearing a pink jacket, pink stretch pants, a white t-shirt and white canvas tennis shoes.

Circumstances - Jaycee was last seen by her step-father walking up a hill to her school bus when a gray on gray vehicle made a U-turn and the person on the passenger side grabbed her and put her in the car and sped off. The step-father gave chase but lost sight of the vehicle. Jaycee has not been seen or heard from since.


David James Daniel
Date of Birth - 7/21/94
Date Missing - 8/5/07
Missing from - Redlands, California
L.E.A. - Redlands Police Department
Contact - Detective Deutscher
Telephone Number - (909) 798-7681

ID Info - NCIC # M-106796756. David is a white male, 5' 1" tall, weighs 135 pounds, has straight brown and hazel eyes. David has a scar under his chin.

Circumstances - David was last seen on August 5, 2007, and he has not been seen or heard from since. David nickname is "DJ."




Amber Jean Swartz-Garcia

Age Progression to 22 years old

Date of Birth - 8/19/80
Date Missing - 6/3/88
Missing from - Pinole, California
L.E.A. - Pinole Police Dept.
Telephone Number - (510)724-8950

ID Info -  NCIC #M-305024999. Amber is a white female with straight blond hair and blue eyes. She has a severe hearing impairment and suffers from migraine headaches. She has pierced ears and wears earrings with gold and emerald posts. She was last seen wearing a white short sleeved shirt with pictures of sunglasses on it, purple pants and white LA Gear tennis shoes with pink shoelaces.

Circumstances - Amber was last seen playing in her front yard in Pinole, California. She has not been seen or heard from since. Amber may have a leather jump rope with wooden handles with her.



Jennifer Rose Jason
Date of Birth - 8/17/91
Date Missing - 6/10/06
Missing from - Cameron Park, CA
L.E.A. - El Dorado County Sheriff's Department
Telephone Number - (530) 621-5701

ID Info - NCIC # M-595821399. Jennifer is a white female, 5' 7" tall, weighs 115 pounds, has straight blonde hair. She was last seen wearing blue jeans and a long sleeve blue shirt. Jennifer wears braces on her teeth.

Circumstances - Jennifer was last seen getting into a truck at a McDonald's in El Dorado Hills, California. She has not been seen or heard from since.

Just so we are on the same page in regards to this E--Mail, we rarely send out Emails over and over again to people, This is a calling to change the law as it would our children form predators of children, unless we receive a letter from a person we may send out addition up-dated Info, or new program etc. If you have been sent this by mistake or you would like to make sure you never get one again. All you have to do is Reply with NO Thanks and you name and email address will be removed, Thanks.


May Jesus shine his face upon you,
May you always have some one that loves you, by your side,
May your Heart know that Jesus is near,
May you reach for your dreams,
May you always walk with God...

You can contact Ray Blank, R. Falcon or
Saundra Redding, Wohali Falcon
here also. .

Walk With God.

May Jesus shine his face upon you,
May you always have some one that loves you, by your side,
May your Heart know that Jesus is near,
May you reach for your dreams,
May you always walk with Gos...

You can contact Ray Blank, R. Falcon or
Saundra Redding, Wohali Falcon
here also. .

Walk With God.

If you have any information on any crimes having to do with Crimes Against Children Please Do Not Hesitate to call the FBI if you wish you do not have to report your name just please call if you know any information concerning a child.
1-800-843-5678   <site mail box

Http://  <site

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