Crimes Against Children

Melanie Hartman

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April 13th, 2009
Aaron T. Evans, editor

Police Continue Search for Missing DuBois Teen

DUBOIS - The DuBois City Police Department is continuing in their efforts to locate a girl that was last seen on Feb. 13.

According to police Melanie Hartman was reported missing from the Pentz Run juvenile facility. She is described as a white female, blond hair with blue eyes, 5 feet, three inches tall and about 125 pounds. She is entered with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Police stated that she was reported possibly being in the Curwensville area as recently as two weeks ago.

Anyone with information on Melanie Hartman's whereabouts is asked to call 814-371-2000 or 814-371-2323 or to contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at 1-800-THE LOST (1-800-843-5678).

118 North Third Street
PO Box 746
Clearfield, PA 16830
Phone: 765-5256
Fax: 765-5631

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If you have any information on any crimes having to do with Crimes Against Children Please Do Not Hesitate to call the FBI if you wish you do not have to report your name just please call if you know any information concerning a child.
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